Calgary Chapter Peacekeeper of the Month

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Robert (Bob) Finney
Canadian Association of Veterans
In United Nations Peacekeeping

Born: December 1951, in Sydney Mines, Cape Breton, Nova Scotia
Service: Enlisted Canadian Armed Forces in November, 1969
Training: Completed Basic Training in Cornwallis, Nova Scotia and Advanced Training in Borden, Ontario
Posting: 1 PPCLI - Calgary, Alberta (1970)
Exercises: Winter Warfare - Dundurn, Saskatchewan; Pool Shark - Queen Charlotte Island, B.C.; UN Peacekeeping - Cyprus (1971); Combat Leaders Course - Wainwright, Alberta; NATO - Norway (1976)
Release: Worked six months as a Bartender at the Warrant Officers & Sgt's Mess (CFB Calgary) until released in July, 1976.
Civilian: Moved to the Maritimes for a few months after my discharge; decided to return to make Calgary our home in October, 1976. Completed Journeyman Auto Body Mechanic trade at S.A.I.T. (Calgary), 1977 - 1980. Employed at Checker Transportation Group for 19 years as Manager of the Auto Body Shop, Car Wash and Maintenance.
Personal: My wife, Judy, and I have been married 30 years and we thoroughly enjoy the R.V. lifestyle and plan to enjoy it more on a full-time basis upon retirement.


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