Calgary Chapter Peacekeeper

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George Allen Gardiner
Canadian Association of Veterans
In United Nations Peacekeeping

Born: April 1926
Place: Winnipeg, Manitoba
Education Completed Senior High School, Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Service: Enlisted Canadian Army, October 11, 1944.
Training: Completed Basic and Advanced Training.
Courses: Assistant Instructors Course, 1945, Camp Shilo, Manitoba.
Postings: Winnipeg, Manitoba (UofM Campus) as an AI in Basic Training. Posted to Air Force Base, MacDonald, Manitoba, with the Pacific Volunteers. (Rainbow Patch)
Released: Apri1 18, 1946 in Winnipeg, Manitoba and returned to civilian job with the Canadian National Railway.
Service: Re-enlisted April 1, 1952, in the Canadian Provost Corps, at Winnipeg, Manitoba.
Training: Basic Training and Service Police Course Gp 1, at Camp Borden, Ontario.
Postings: Winnipeg, Manitoba 1953.
Korea -September 1953 to November 1954.
Winnipeg, Manitoba -1954 -1957- Promoted to Cpl.
Churchill, Manitoba -1957 -1958
Werl, Germany - August 1959 - Aug 1962 - Promoted to Sgt
Camp Shilo, Manitoba -September 1962 to April 1964
Cyprus - April 1964 - October 1964 - HQ MP Sgt
Calgary, Alberta - LdSH(Cdn) - December 1964 - June 1965
2Bn QOR of C, Calgary, Alberta - June 1965 -September 1968 - MP Sgt. (UN Cyprus)
UN Cyprus - Military Police Company - October 1968 -April 1969
1 MP Platoon, Calgary, Alberta -1969 -1972
UN Cyprus -1 Bn PPCLI - April 1971 - October 1971 - MP Sgt
CFB Winnipeg (North) - 1972 -Feb 1976
Released: October 3, 1976, after leave and returned to Calgary, Alberta
Exercises: Numerous throughout my military career (too many to list)
Civilian: Alberta Correctional Service from May 17, 1976 to May 1992.


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